The Norwegian entomological society

The Norwegian Entomological Society was founded in 1904. Its goal is to promote the interest for and study of insects. Anyone with an interest in entomology, whether amateur or professional, is welcome as a member. The society currently has about 600 members, mostly from Norway.

Of special interest for foreign members are the journals Norwegian Journal of Entomology and Insecta norvegiae, both of which are published in English. You will also receive Insekt-Nytt (=Insect News), a magazine for hobbyists published primarily in Norwegian.

Insekt-Nytt is published with four issues annually. Norwegian Jornal of Entomology is published with two. Insecta Norvegiae is published sporadically, depending on material.

To purchase previous publications from the society please look at the list of titles for sale. The prices are in Norwegian kroner (NOK). Please note down the title and ordering number ( Postage will be added to the bill. For further details please contact our supplier. Earler issues may also be available for free as PDF’s.


Membership and subscription

To become a member of NEF, please fill in our online form. You will receive payment information and some earlier issues of Norwegian Journal of Entomology and Insekt-Nytt.

Annual membership fees for The Norwegian Entomological Society are:

  • NOK 280,- for Norwegian members (ordinary)
  • NOK 140,- for Norwegian junior members (< 20 yrs)
  • NOK 330,- for members from Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Greenland and Faeroe
  • NOK 380,- for members outside the Nordic countries

100 NOK is approximately 13 Euro (12.02.2010)